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Teaserbild vom EcoVadis Sustainability Rating Siegel 2024

Sustainability champion: EcoVadis silver medal for ENNEATECH

We’ve had it in writing since September 2024: ENNEATECH is a champion in sustainability management! The EcoVadis silver medal, which we were awarded, is presented to the top 15% of companies who have been evaluated worldwide over the last 12 months by the renowned rating agency EcoVadis.

All aspects of sustainability management are covered by the EcoVadis rating, i.e. not only corporate environmental protection, but also the systematic integration of social fairness and good corporate governance, often referred to today as ESG (Economy, Social, Governance). Under the EcoVadis rating, guidelines, measures and the published reporting of companies are evaluated with respect to the four areas of environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. We achieved an overall rating of 73 (out of a possible 100) points, which puts us ahead of 93 per cent of all other companies evaluated over the last 12 months.

Screenshot vom EcoVadis Sustainability Rating Ergebnis

How does EcoVadis calculate its rating results?

EcoVadis prepares a questionnaire for each company, which comprises 20 to 50 questions and is tailored to the specific industry, size and location of the company. In some cases, the answers must be substantiated by supplementary documents. In our case, that meant providing, for example, technical inspection reports for air washers and evaporative coolers, water analysis and other environment-related, technical information, as well as documents related to ethics and governance, such as our own Code of Conduct and our Code of Conduct for Suppliers. EcoVadis analysts combine these elements and develop a scorecard on this basis. The final stage involves using publicly accessible information as well as information from numerous databases to compare the scorecard results and check their plausibility.

EcoVadis ratings: internationally recognised standard for sustainability management

Increased public awareness of the importance of sustainability has resulted in a growing need for objective evaluation criteria when it comes to sustainability management. Specialist rating agencies such as EcoVadis have taken on this task on the basis of internationally recognised evaluation standards and metrics. EcoVadis was founded in 2007 and has since evolved into a globally recognised provider of sustainability ratings – to date, over 130,000 companies have been evaluated in total, including major global brands, the result being that EcoVadis has now become a byword for a globally established standard.

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