After ISO certification, surveillance audit also successfully passed
Continuous improvement of energy-related performance is clearly in our focus: Therefore, by complying with ISO 9001:2015, we assume responsibility towards the environment and commit ourselves to efficient energy management.
The standard defines requirements for certification. It creates the basis for systematically recording energy flows and analysing energy use, energy consumption and energy efficiency, detecting weak points and introducing optimisation measures. In this way, we can both reduce harmful emissions and cut costs — an economic and ecological win-win situation.
Years of work leading up to this
To meet the set guidelines, we have done a lot: We procured measuring equipment, prepared forms, formulated procedural instructions and defined legal cadastres. Energy management is nothing new for our company. Since 2016, the team has been actively and continuously working on developing a careful structure based on the High Level Structure of quality management. In this way, Enneatech ensures uniform and resource-sparing processes.
Our quality manager Ilona Röben was tasked with supporting the process of setting up a cross-norm structure. Looking back, she says: “It was a labour-intensive period in which the regression analyses or energy consumption functions were among the special challenges: We have collected a lot of data and put it into perspective. There were many meetings and discussions, which were sometimes gruelling but in the end constructive and always motivating. The cooperation with the operations manager, Artur Lange, and the whole team was great.”
Months of preparation
We have laid the foundations. Now we had to dovetail theory with practice. Implementing an agile way of working takes time and does not happen overnight. It requires implementing the decided measures and demonstrating their effectiveness. All newly defined work steps require a thorough introduction and consistent implementation until they are executed as an integral part of a process. This is what Enneatech’s energy team worked towards every day — until nothing stood in the way of the audit. There was hardly any doubt that we would pass. Nevertheless, there was a bit of tension.

«There were many meetings and discussions, which were sometimes gruelling but in the end constructive and always motivating. The cooperation with the operations manager, Artur Lange, and the whole team was great.»
Ilona Röben, Quality Manager
It is done
In the end, we successfully survived the audit. The auditor praised the documentation in particular. Artur Lange, our operations manager, was instrumental in the surveillance audit and is visibly pleased with the result. “As a manufacturer of a sustainable product, we are naturally interested in a resource-sparing manufacturing process. It is important to us that we create transparency and uncover potential savings. The result is a success for the whole team and confirms that we are on the right track.”

«There were many meetings and discussions, which were sometimes gruelling but in the end constructive and always motivating. The cooperation with the operations manager, Artur Lange, and the whole team was great.»